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Memoirs of a Driving Instructor


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£ 9.63


If you've found this book then you are either already a driving instructor, in which case, you will most certainly identify with its contents and will have a giggling time reading it, or you are a generally interested reader, looking for some entertaining humour, or you are someone who is thinking about becoming a driving instructor. If you are the latter, that's brilliant! You are going to need this book! It tells the honest hilarious truth about what it's really like out there, with pupils of varying character and ability, in death defying situations! The idea of spending your days happily driving with eager-minded pupils, teaching them how to correctly drive your car, while they absorb your words of wisdom and transition into natural perfect drivers is a lovely one, and true enough, every now and then, such a perfect pupil will come along. But trust me, they are rare!... Enjoy this brilliant amalgamation of funny, yet true driving instructor experiences, told in a gentle, yet humorously sarcastic manner.

Book Details
Number of pages:
425 x 700g

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